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Annual Climbing Sponsorship Fund

2024 Sales: 0 (products coming soon!)


(updated weekly)

50% of Profits Go Towards Funding Climbing Trips For Professional and Amatuer Climbers

PRODUTS AVAILBLE SOON! If you make a purchase now, it will charge your card but you will not receive an item. We will consider it a "donation" and 100% of the proceeds will go towards the climbing fund. Check back soon or join our mailing list to be notified when the products will be available!

About Sendergy Climbing

Sendergy Climbing is dedicated to enhancing the climbing experience for all, from beginners to seasoned professionals. We provide high-quality climbing chalk designed to improve grip and performance, ensuring that climbers can focus on their passion without compromise.

Founded in 2024, our mission extends beyond products to empower the climbing community. A significant portion of our profits is allocated to fund climbing trips, supporting climbers to achieve their dreams and explore new heights.

We believe in sustainability, community, and the transformative power of climbing to change lives. Whether you're preparing for your next big climb or just starting out, Sendergy Climbing is here to support your journey every step of the way.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We fund all types of climbers! Professional, amatuer, semi-pro, and everything in between. It doesn't matter if you are climbing a 5.9 or a 5.14, if you have a trip you want us to fund, feel free to apply! We do our best to keep a mix of all types of climbing trips being funded.

You can apply through our website by filling out the sponsorship form under the Apply for Funding section.

Not at all. We ask for your social handels so we can tag you if you win and so we can share your trip videos with our social audiance and make sure they know where to find you.

As many as we can. It depends on how expensive the trips are and how much the fund earned in the previous year.

If you get selected, we will contact you via your phone or email and set up a time to go over your trip details. Once everything is confirmed, we will send you the money via paypal to start making the purchases for your trip (tickets, gas, food, etc). We send the money first so you don't have to worry about spending your own money and getting reimbursed later.

If we select you for funding, we ask that you take some pictures / videos of the trip and send it to us at the end so we can share them on our social accounts. We will ask for shared commercial rights to these images and videos so that both the company and the climber are free to use the assets how they like. We will have specific details for each climber based on how much funding they are asking for. The rights to the assets will always be shared so that you will be free to use them however you like as well.

We use the assets for our social media and youtube channels. This helps us generate more revenue (from things like youtube ads), which we can then use to fund more climbers and grow the business.

We trust you. You can send in receipts if you like, but we trust the climbing community to be wise stewards of the funds we provide. If you would like to, feel free to email your receipts to, however it isn't necessary.

In order to be fair to other applicants, we cannot give you more money than what you request, even if your trip ends up costing more. This is one reason we have an intial call with climbers that are selected, so we can go over trip expense estimates and make sure the requested amount is enough to fund the trip. If you end up spending less than the requested amount, feel free to use it to buy yourself some new gear. (seriously - you can keep the extra)

Yes, we ship worldwide to ensure climbers everywhere can access our products and contribute to the climbing fund.

Subscribe to our youtube channel and watch videos of awesome climbers we have funded there. We get ad revenue from youtube when people watch the videos, and that helps us expand the climbing fund and business operations to sponsor more climbers everywhere. Follow us on our other socials as well. If you have something speciali in mind, feel free to email

Apply To Get Your Next Trip Funded By Sendergy Climbing . . . on rock?